Now You See Me

Now You See Me looks like The Illusionist and Inception balled up into one film. Except this story will have something Inception fundamentally lacks: Morgan Freeman to explain everything. Or at the very least, Morgan Freeman to say confounding things like, “The more you think you see, the easier it will be to fool you.”

So if there is one fundamental assumption we can make about Now You See Me it’s that it’s going to be rife with twists and unexpected turns. Because that’s just what every thriller about magicians has to do. In fact, Morgan Freeman’s cryptic narration leads me to believe this’ll be what the How I Met Your Mother guys refer to as a Deep Fried story, which essentially means the story will have a structure similar to that of a Russian doll. Like, for instance: the magicians wanted to get caught so they could pull off this even bigger heist, which they were actually only doing because Jesse Eisenberg’s niece was being held hostage by a terrorist cell who was manipulating them into doing these things. But then it actually turns out it was all just Morgan Freeman’s dream.

I give Now You See Me three and a half stars. A little part of me went giddy when I saw this trailer and the talent that’s in this film. I mean, Michael Caine? Come on. He’s also in both The Illusionist and Inception i.e. Michael Caine makes movies like this great. And Morgan Freeman doesn’t hurt either.

One worry: Now You See Me will seen as a Chris Nolan ripoff.

Also: This