The Heat

I want to offer a genuine Thank You to Bridesmaids. It was a great movie and it really swung the door open for bawdy comedies starring women, which the world was in dire need of. Unfortunately, sometimes when you swing open a door, a movie like The Heat walks through. Which is not to say this film won’t have its laughs. But, I mean, come on. This is essentially The Other Guys remade with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. Where’s the originality and bravado of Bridesmaids, I ask?

Every cop movie is pretty much the same. The Heat will be no exception. You got your “by-the-books” cop and you got your “psychopath” cop. When first paired together they form an uneasy alliance but over the course of events they become friends, and then in the climactic scenes they discover their “by-the-books” and “psychopath” natures have a certain synergy, which allows them to prevail. it’s pretty obvious from the trailer who’s the books and who’s the psycho in this film.

I give this film two and a half stars. Sandra and Melissa can both be really funny when they have a good script working for them. This might be a good script, but it looks too dependent on too many clichés. Hard to say. Though I did LOL when they drop the guy on the car. But I mainly laughed because that’s a classic Batman intimidation-technique and they fail at it so epically!

Back to Bridesmaids for a second. The reason comedies like Bridesmaids and Sex in the City (the series) are so important is because for the longest time, popular movies/TV didn’t have much of a sense of humor when it came to women’s issues. Now, thanks to pioneers like Kristen Wiig, the foibles and shenanigans of women are fair game for awesome comedies.