A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III

At first, A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III looks like a straight rom com, perhaps based in part on – and definitely cashing in on – Charlie Sheen’s, shall we say, “rocky” reputation. But then the film just gets wacky and unfocused. The Old West and SSBB (Secret Society of Ball Busters) sequences make this movie look scattered and inconsistently funny. Some parts are going to be hilarious. Others, not so much.

I would have almost preferred the straight rom com with the same players, because the non-fantasy stuff looks way better than the fantasy.  And I mean, it’s Jason Schwartzman and Bill Murray’s first collaboration that’s not a Wes Anderson movie! I just want this film to cut deeper than it’s going to.

A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III gets two and a half stars. What this film leads me to ask is: what would Charlie Sheen be like in a Woody Allen movie? That’s what Glimpse sort of feels like. But Woody would probably never work with Sheen. He wouldn’t put up with that shit.

Also if you watch closely, there’s a weird Charlie Sheen puppet in this trailer.